latest 7 messages by willnorris

+ [2015-02-22T04:41:50Z] willnorris you can see all the different flags by running "jekyll serve --help"
+ [2015-02-22T04:41:20Z] willnorris command line flags are passed with the dashes before the flag name, so --watch. or just -w does the same thing... it's just the shorter version
+ [2015-02-22T04:40:52Z] willnorris watch-- doesn't do anything
+ [2015-02-22T04:39:04Z] willnorris it tells jekyll to watch for any changes and to rebuild the site when it sees any
+ [2015-02-22T04:37:49Z] willnorris all the more reason for version control :)
+ [2015-02-22T04:27:52Z] willnorris are you running the server with --watch ?
+ [2015-02-21T08:38:50Z] willnorris nick___: probably simplest to load it straight from the GitHub API with some client-side javascript