+[2015-02-22T21:23:48Z]skagedaljaybe: good idea, i'll try that +[2015-02-22T21:28:10Z]skagedalah that's right, it's because the config.yml sets "source" to a subdirectory and that's where it's looking for _plugins...? +[2015-02-22T21:29:02Z]jaybeskagedal, the default is $source/_plugins +[2015-02-22T21:31:43Z]skagedalallright, so that part i understand now. i guess this site uses a pretty atypical jekyll-setup... +[2015-02-22T21:42:02Z]pontikihi
you can see all the different flags by running "jekyll serve --help"
+[2015-02-23T01:44:46Z]tohuwI’m working on a plugin - how can I access just the text of the post, with no markup? In Liquid, I can do e.g. `| strip_newlines`, but this returns both newline markers and markdown characters. I’m currently accessing site.posts, then e.g. post.content in loops. +[2015-02-23T01:46:10Z]oksushitohuw: strip_html ? +[2015-02-23T01:47:03Z]tohuwoksushi: Liquid tags aren’t accessible when writing a plugin. I need to access the textual content of the posts within my Ruby script. +[2015-02-23T01:47:19Z]tohuwRegardless, strip_html strips html, not markdown. +[2015-02-23T01:48:18Z]oksushiI see