latest 20 messages by wiscii

+ [2019-09-26T18:14:12Z] wiscii n*
+ [2019-09-26T18:14:06Z] wiscii ok, thak you for the help :)
+ [2019-09-26T18:13:37Z] wiscii yeah, i understand .. just thought github might have included something simpler
+ [2019-09-26T18:13:00Z] wiscii when i say refinement i mean of the url in order to limit the page data which is sent from github
+ [2019-09-26T18:11:51Z] wiscii thanks
+ [2019-09-26T18:11:45Z] wiscii that's what i thought .. so no further refinement is possible
+ [2019-09-26T18:11:20Z] wiscii ok ..
+ [2019-09-26T18:11:07Z] wiscii describe sounds good .. any link or hint to get me on the right path will help
+ [2019-09-26T18:10:28Z] wiscii so just return on field sah i guess
+ [2019-09-26T18:10:11Z] wiscii i would like to provide the short commit id of head .. but i don't want to have to pass the entire page of data i receive from github
+ [2019-09-26T18:09:23Z] wiscii
+ [2019-09-26T18:08:53Z] wiscii sure
+ [2019-09-26T18:06:44Z] wiscii like i said, is there a way to further refine HEAD ?
+ [2019-09-26T18:06:20Z] wiscii i don't think i need to worry about sha collisions tbh
+ [2019-09-26T18:05:44Z] wiscii is there any way i can further refine "head"
+ [2019-09-26T18:04:54Z] wiscii noobs ..
+ [2019-09-26T18:04:41Z] wiscii ok thanks, i'll check that out
+ [2019-09-26T18:04:24Z] wiscii ah .. i see
+ [2019-09-26T18:03:11Z] wiscii jhass: ideally just to retrieve the current head short commit ID
+ [2019-09-26T18:02:24Z] wiscii i am using this: