+[5 years ago]wisciiyeah, i understand .. just thought github might have included something simpler +[5 years ago]jhassnot that I'm aware of :) +[5 years ago]wisciiok, thak you for the help :) +[5 years ago]wisciin* +[5 years ago]jhassyw :)
+[5 years ago]amosbirdhi, how can I reopen a merged pr? +[5 years ago]jhassamosbird: I don't think you can, open a new one from the same branch :) +[5 years ago]energizeris there a way to link to the latest *release* of a project on github, without explicitly using the specific number? +[5 years ago]vdamewoodenergizer: Make it a branch? +[5 years ago]energizervdamewood: apparently the feature exists already :) https://help.github.com/en/articles/linking-to-releases