latest 16 messages by wolfman2000

+ [2015-10-13T23:20:02Z] wolfman2000 can rephrase that if necessary
+ [2015-10-13T23:19:52Z] wolfman2000 Evening. I have confirmation that the appveyor hook is working in that I'm seeing the deliveries in my settings. However, I'm not seeing it add to the pending checks list when I made the pull request across to the original repo. Any idea what needs to be done to add the pending build check so that it joins Travis?
+ [2015-10-07T00:23:41Z] wolfman2000 fordcars: was it added prior to the gitignore? You may have to git rm the suo
+ [2015-10-06T21:39:49Z] wolfman2000 okay, double-checked my repo settings. The API calls did work. Just...not how I expected. Unsure why the second pending check never worked, but I guess it would work better to use some service that already has native working hooks rather than trying my own.
+ [2015-10-06T21:08:02Z] wolfman2000 afternoon terabyte. Just posted the link to my commit in case you had a chance to look at where my calls were going wrong. I will regenerate a new token once I do some apartment cleaning in case I'm still doing something wrong.
+ [2015-10-06T21:06:10Z] wolfman2000 Afternoon. I'm confused as to why my attempts at using the github API via appveyor (windows) are failing me. The output on the build system indicates that I'm getting a successful output. However, the pull request does not show my pending status. The only pending check is from Travis. What am I doing wrong?
+ [2015-10-06T02:52:26Z] wolfman2000 terabyte: I'm off to bed now. Maybe tomorrow after I'm out of work, this can be figured out.
+ [2015-10-06T01:57:28Z] wolfman2000 terabyte: according to my github profile, the key was used recently, so I'm presuming it was a successful call. furthermore, the output I get matches what's on the statuses page:
+ [2015-10-06T01:35:23Z] wolfman2000 alright, I need assistance. I appear to be getting 2XX codes for the status API. I do not see any of my checks working. I acknowledge Travis_CI is also hooked in: that may be causing an issue. What else do I need to do? (The token you see on there is extra encrypted, so it's fine for sharing. I can make a new token if necessary)
+ [2015-10-06T01:16:52Z] wolfman2000 ...unfortunately, I'm still new with oauth tokens. I just generated one myself, and did a further encryption technique to use it for the API hooks. Still doing something wrong.
+ [2015-10-06T01:00:20Z] wolfman2000 Impaloo: okay, finally got curl to complete a call with a personal encrypted token. However, I am not seeing my pull request showing the API call as pending. Only Travis is up, not Travis and custom API
+ [2015-10-05T23:22:03Z] wolfman2000 No offense: I know there is an API. It's not clear to me how to call the POST command and correct URL.
+ [2015-10-05T23:21:47Z] wolfman2000 Impaloo: not trying to. However, appveyor doesn't provide support for this from what I can tell. so unless/until they add automatic support, I have to add the hooks. ...I'm just not fully seeing how.
+ [2015-10-05T23:00:06Z] wolfman2000 Impaloo: if I'm understanding this correctly, I can do a POST call to github on my before_install call to set to pending, and then hook it up with an after_build or after_build_fail call?
+ [2015-10-05T22:30:05Z] wolfman2000 Evening. I know appveyor allows for automatic building through its own hooks, but is there a way to have github respond to those hooks, similar to travis? I'd like for a failed build in appveyor to tell github that the build was not successful.