latest 20 messages by woodruffw

+ [2015-09-29T19:50:54Z] woodruffw yes, more successfully than i expected
+ [2015-05-10T20:08:40Z] woodruffw yes, that works too
+ [2015-05-10T20:08:18Z] woodruffw Henry151:
+ [2015-05-10T20:07:55Z] woodruffw if what you want is to be able to push without username/password prompts, you should set up an ssh key
+ [2015-05-10T20:07:27Z] woodruffw i don't believe you can do that
+ [2015-05-10T19:43:00Z] woodruffw suggests a possible order
+ [2015-05-10T19:41:20Z] woodruffw yeah, it may not be established
+ [2015-05-10T19:39:06Z] woodruffw i'm not sure what the order of precedence is, but the list is here:
+ [2015-05-10T19:38:33Z] woodruffw if you don't provide a, github will search for a plain-text readme or a few other formats (POD, RST)
+ [2015-05-03T05:49:26Z] woodruffw you should just be able to change the remote from https to ssh, although i'm not sure how that's accomplished in the graphical client
+ [2015-05-03T05:48:23Z] woodruffw no, you shouldn't have to
+ [2015-05-03T05:40:55Z] woodruffw that may be a little complex/overkill for a starter, though.
+ [2015-05-03T05:40:47Z] woodruffw with ssh you shouldn't have to set passphrases, just create an ssh key for authentication
+ [2015-05-03T05:38:04Z] woodruffw sorry i couldn't help - you might want to try either sublime's manual or the github tutorial pages - they might have something on this
+ [2015-05-03T05:33:25Z] woodruffw hm. this is pretty far out of my experience, i only use the command line client and ssh...
+ [2015-05-03T05:31:49Z] woodruffw if you did it with ssh, you can use an ssh key to authenticate yourself with github
+ [2015-05-03T05:31:36Z] woodruffw when you cloned your repository, did you do it with https or ssh?