+[2015-05-03T20:47:04Z]nyuszika7hgit init; touch README.md; git commit README.md -m 'Initial commit'; git remote add origin https://github.com/<username>/<repo>.git; git push --force +[2015-05-03T20:48:58Z]nyuszika7hor you can also do this in an already cloned repo: git rm -rf .; touch README.md; git add README.md; git commit -m 'Initial commit'; git push --force +[2015-05-03T21:02:42Z]srrubyThanks +[2015-05-03T23:57:50Z]knodI'm changing the case of my names locally, but when I push to github, the github file names stay all lower case. If I change characters in the name, they change just fine. Any idea what's going on? Is the only way to fix it going to be to change the characters of the names, then change everything back? +[2015-05-03T23:58:33Z]Syhlexhi
if you did it with ssh, you can use an ssh key to authenticate yourself with github
+[2015-05-04T00:03:54Z]knodIs it a known bug? +[2015-05-04T00:36:16Z]knodI'm changing the case of my names locally, but when I push to github, the github file names stay all lower case. If I change characters in the name, they change just fine. Any idea what's going on? Is the only way to fix it going to be to change the characters of the names, then change everything back? +[2015-05-04T01:41:41Z]lethosorknod: what filesystem are you using? +[2015-05-04T01:41:58Z]lethosordoes git recognize the change in local commits? +[2015-05-04T01:43:23Z]knodlethosor: it seems to. I'm not sure how to check actually. And I'm on mac osx if that helps