latest 20 messages by yaronr

+ [2015-03-06T07:45:41Z] yaronr Is there a way to 'escape' the template characters {{}} ?
+ [2015-03-06T07:45:28Z] yaronr I'm trying to add google analytics, and: ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, {{USER_ID}}); probably won't work ( {{USER_ID}} is just a string that should go unchanged
+ [2015-03-05T17:04:12Z] yaronr ping
+ [2015-03-05T16:52:23Z] yaronr I'm trying to add google analytics, and: ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, {{USER_ID}}); probably won't work ( {{USER_ID}} is just a string that should go unchanged)
+ [2015-03-05T16:51:45Z] yaronr Is there a way to 'escape' the template characters {{}} ?
+ [2015-03-01T15:47:56Z] yaronr i'm wondering how long it will take me to realize I need to learn ruby ;)
+ [2015-03-01T15:47:00Z] yaronr creating failover or clustering is challenging
+ [2015-03-01T15:46:43Z] yaronr databases i can handle, but it gets really messy once these things tart storing their state in a file system
+ [2015-03-01T15:45:51Z] yaronr in most cases, it doesn't
+ [2015-03-01T15:45:45Z] yaronr i've been asking myself for a while now, if all the headache and state-management that's required by a CMS system is worth it.
+ [2015-03-01T15:44:31Z] yaronr first piece of web technology that makes sense to me, since angular & bootstrap
+ [2015-03-01T15:44:10Z] yaronr btw jekyll is super cool.
+ [2015-03-01T15:43:47Z] yaronr ok, I think I get it
+ [2015-03-01T15:42:06Z] yaronr (btw can't read what you've written to zacts, I just logged in)
+ [2015-03-01T15:41:38Z] yaronr or how can you specify an image as a background for a markdown file?
+ [2015-03-01T15:41:25Z] yaronr so in markdown you can specify an image. how can you tell it 'full width' ?
+ [2015-03-01T15:40:54Z] yaronr how can you specify HTML-ish properties in a markdown?
+ [2015-03-01T15:40:12Z] yaronr what puzzles me is with regard to markup files (I guess html is pretty simple, right?)
+ [2015-03-01T15:39:35Z] yaronr actually I don't care much about any specific theme, I'm just trying to learn and implement an elegant and simple 'single page' site
+ [2015-03-01T15:37:30Z] yaronr i've just started with jekyll yesterday. using 'singlepaged' theme. how do I set a background image for a 'post' that fills the whole width of the screen?