+ [10 years ago] jaybe you don't have to know any ruby
+ [10 years ago] jaybe unless you are wanting to learn/hack at the core, write plugins, and or generally want to learn ruby
+ [10 years ago] mglukhov hey, is anyone else using the bourbon + jekyll? i'm trying to figure out how to turn off deprecation warnings for older mixins
+ [10 years ago] mglukhov i have the bourbon gem included via the `gems` setting in _config.yml
+ [10 years ago] mglukhov you can apparently pass the --quiet flag to the command-line tool, but i'm not certain how to suppress warnings when using the gem

message no. 81721

Posted by yaronr in #jekyll at 2015-03-01T15:45:51Z

in most cases, it doesn't
+ [10 years ago] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5426 (liquid-c-upgrade) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/52678482
+ [10 years ago] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)
+ [10 years ago] holzp im running build in verbose, what should I be seeing?
+ [10 years ago] holzp I dont see any extra info