latest 15 messages by yuppie

+ [2016-05-10T09:53:04Z] yuppie halp, im using github pages to run jekyll and all my links are broken! They all end in "short-urls-jekyll"
+ [2015-06-28T17:32:59Z] yuppie i think my bold is broken lol
+ [2015-06-28T17:27:02Z] yuppie nvm got it
+ [2015-06-28T17:22:01Z] yuppie hey guys how do i change my font in jekyll / poole / lanyon?
+ [2015-05-11T04:08:34Z] yuppie can anyone get this thing working?
+ [2015-05-10T23:58:32Z] yuppie anyone know a good way to embed github activity into a webpage?
+ [2015-04-28T19:03:14Z] yuppie thanks Seveas
+ [2015-04-28T19:00:58Z] yuppie how can i get their username?
+ [2015-04-28T19:00:53Z] yuppie and they haven't done anything in a long time
+ [2015-04-28T19:00:46Z] yuppie someone's got my github username
+ [2015-04-01T16:57:38Z] yuppie i have to use this ""
+ [2015-04-01T16:56:28Z] yuppie but it looks like it's just scraping the site?
+ [2015-04-01T16:56:20Z] yuppie milki: i was hoping one would be here
+ [2015-04-01T16:53:50Z] yuppie milki: yeah thats what im hoping for
+ [2015-04-01T16:28:39Z] yuppie where the hell do i get an urbandictionary API key?