+ [2015-05-11T21:02:46Z] thibaultcha Impaloo: Yes I meant reversed, sorry. I guess the reasoning would be that the entire PR view flows chronologically from top to bottom, so commits do it.
+ [2015-05-11T23:29:02Z] brontosaurusrex can i have github wiki at user.github.io or user.github.io/wiki ?
+ [2015-05-11T23:36:54Z] GeekDude Is there a place I can view and delete gists without having to go through several pages for each gist?

message no. 93244

Posted by yuppie in #github at 2015-05-11T04:08:34Z

can anyone get this thing working? https://github.com/akshaykumar6/github-js
+ [2015-05-12T01:17:06Z] benjamingr Hey, anyone here actually _works_ for GH? I just got banned for replying on a gist with something that looks like an advertisement but actually isn't.
+ [2015-05-12T01:17:11Z] benjamingr Any chance anyone here can help me with that?
+ [2015-05-12T01:17:49Z] milki benjamingr: low change, !sgc is better
+ [2015-05-12T01:17:49Z] gitinfo benjamingr: For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support
+ [2015-05-12T01:17:53Z] milki chance*