latest 20 messages by zacts

+ [2016-04-27T02:34:51Z] zacts gtg, I'll ask again later
+ [2016-04-27T02:34:03Z] zacts so that I can have backups of the issue tracking?
+ [2016-04-27T02:33:52Z] zacts is there a way to store github bug tracking data inside of a git branch?
+ [2015-07-05T04:37:20Z] zacts I want a service like github pages
+ [2015-07-05T04:37:12Z] zacts I know how to statically generate my blog locally
+ [2015-07-05T04:37:04Z] zacts I want someone to actually publish my blog online
+ [2015-07-05T04:36:47Z] zacts but my traffic may eventually be too high for me to afford haiku
+ [2015-07-05T04:36:36Z] zacts Like Haiku, or an OpenSSH account
+ [2015-07-05T04:36:27Z] zacts VxJasonxV: um... provide servers for me to use
+ [2015-07-05T04:36:15Z] zacts I'm personally going to use Pelican to generate my blog
+ [2015-07-05T04:36:04Z] zacts I mean I want a service that will either provide servers to me, or host my blog online
+ [2015-07-05T04:35:45Z] zacts Oh, to be clear I don't mean the program to actually generate my blog
+ [2015-07-05T01:02:41Z] zacts (if I should ask another channel, please let me know)
+ [2015-07-05T01:02:30Z] zacts are there any other static blog hosting alternatives for git repos, to github? (note: serious question, I was told by someone on #git to ask this here)
+ [2015-07-05T01:02:02Z] zacts hi
+ [2015-06-22T21:31:37Z] zacts hi does github provide RSS feeds for git shortlogs?
+ [2015-03-01T11:45:55Z] zacts hum.. I wonder where I may find a bunch of nice jekyll/liquid themes?
+ [2015-02-15T02:13:29Z] zacts cool
+ [2014-12-27T01:05:18Z] zacts and must I know ruby to do this?
+ [2014-12-27T01:04:53Z] zacts what are some good resources for doing my own themes for jekyll?