+ [2014-12-27T03:26:50Z] travis-ci jekyll/integration-tests#188 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/integration-tests/builds/45192504
+ [2014-12-27T03:26:52Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2014-12-27T03:33:54Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#4936 (sort-static-files-once) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/45192748
+ [2014-12-27T03:33:56Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2014-12-27T22:42:12Z] pontiki hi hi

message no. 68377

Posted by zacts in #jekyll at 2014-12-27T01:04:53Z

what are some good resources for doing my own themes for jekyll?
+ [2014-12-28T01:54:20Z] marcosscriven Can anyone point to 'best practice' for embedding (minimal) structure into Jekyll (particularly within GitHub pages)? There appear to be a few options:
+ [2014-12-28T01:54:42Z] marcosscriven 1) Add a {: xyz} tag after a block element, allowing you to style it with CSS
+ [2014-12-28T01:55:21Z] marcosscriven 2) Add an {% include %} tag, which can be parameterised. I used it thus:
+ [2014-12-28T01:55:23Z] marcosscriven {% capture mybody %}This is a body{% endcapture %}
+ [2014-12-28T01:55:24Z] marcosscriven {% include _panel.html head="Rah!" body=mybody %}