latest 7 messages by zmoazeni

+ [2017-06-11T03:34:13Z] zmoazeni But it wasn't that difficult. In fact their settings/search makes it quite easy to find/override
+ [2017-06-11T03:33:50Z] zmoazeni I did go through and override several of my muscle memory key bindings from sublime
+ [2017-06-11T03:32:40Z] zmoazeni Yeah I believe I'll switch to Sublime -> VSC. It's quite nice.
+ [2017-06-11T03:31:41Z] zmoazeni Did something in that gist tip me off?
+ [2017-06-11T03:31:33Z] zmoazeni Hah yeah. I'm really liking it after a few days
+ [2017-06-11T03:23:37Z] zmoazeni There's likely a cleaner way to do this, but works for me