+ [2017-06-11T03:58:55Z] jaybe https://lmgonzalves.github.io/morphing-hamburger-menu/
+ [2017-06-11T03:58:56Z] jekyllrb Title: Morphing Hamburger Menu (at lmgonzalves.github.io)
+ [2017-06-11T03:59:01Z] jaybe nice; css only
+ [2017-06-11T04:01:12Z] allejo but does it run on IE 6
+ [2017-06-11T04:01:39Z] jaybe ;p o/

message no. 169439

Posted by zmoazeni in #jekyll at 2017-06-11T03:31:33Z

Hah yeah. I'm really liking it after a few days
+ [2017-06-12T08:23:57Z] eightfold i’d like to create a directory of link lists in different subfolders, preferably using csv or some other easily manageable format.
+ [2017-06-12T08:25:18Z] eightfold i don’t want to have to maintain two different files per document/directory of links.
+ [2017-06-12T08:25:57Z] eightfold data files looked good, but i soon realized i have to both create a data file an and md file to output the links
+ [2017-06-12T08:27:39Z] eightfold preferably i’d like to just create a data file and have jekyll generate the html. if i could set permalink: frontmatter in each datafile in order to specify where the html file should be generated, that would have been perfect.
+ [2017-06-12T08:29:12Z] eightfold there are plugins for this: https://github.com/avillafiorita/jekyll-datapage_gen, but i’m not sure i can use plugins.