latest 4 messages by zoug

+ [2016-07-04T13:29:34Z] zoug hello, I want to host my jekyll website both on github pages and my private server. is there any specific configuration that needs to be done to go from one to the other? I'm using the MinimalMistakes template. Thanks!
+ [2016-07-02T18:03:22Z] zoug hello! how would you guys go about setting up a jekyll blog using a template ? Should I fork the github repo and work from there or create a new blog with jekyll and replace the _layouts html files etc with the files from the template ?
+ [2015-06-29T22:06:50Z] zoug I'm wondering what do they consider before giving it to somebody, and if they give it to everybody, how long will I have to wait? The whole pack is just awesome and almost feels too good to be true so I'm wondering if anyone actually got it. Thanks!
+ [2015-06-29T22:05:30Z] zoug hey guys, did any of you tried to get the Student Developer Pack of GitHub? ?