+ [2016-07-04T18:59:57Z] pontiki let me find the dox on that, hang on
+ [2016-07-04T19:03:41Z] pontiki here we go: http://kramdown.gettalong.org/converter/html.html#toc
+ [2016-07-04T19:03:42Z] jekyllrb Title: HTML Converter | kramdown (at kramdown.gettalong.org)
+ [2016-07-04T19:04:43Z] pontiki so the line that has {:toc} also needs the line above - so wrap both lines in that if
+ [2016-07-04T19:16:15Z] sdaugherty Working on moving irchelp.org from Piecrust 1.x to Jekyll today. Should be fun :)

message no. 141512

Posted by zoug in #jekyll at 2016-07-04T13:29:34Z

hello, I want to host my jekyll website both on github pages and my private server. is there any specific configuration that needs to be done to go from one to the other? I'm using the MinimalMistakes template. Thanks!
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:09Z] vegardj Hello!
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:21Z] vegardj I'm wanting to manage my blog with Jekyll
+ [2016-07-05T11:12:43Z] vegardj Everything is good (i think) its just when i built it to "_site" and open index.html it looks like a huge mess!
+ [2016-07-05T11:13:00Z] vegardj mostly things arent formatted correctly and every image/icon is HUYGEE
+ [2016-07-05T11:13:26Z] vegardj serving it with "jekyll serve ..." and going localhost:4000 works just fine