+ [2013-09-21T23:27:56Z] pontiki there are all kinds of links before that
+ [2013-09-21T23:28:49Z] jaybe oh you mean the 3 lines taking up .75 of an inch
+ [2013-09-21T23:29:10Z] jaybe the whole page is 'content'
+ [2013-09-21T23:29:20Z] jaybe anyway - glad you learned how to iterate categories.
+ [2013-09-21T23:30:28Z] jaybe you can't "see it"? huh? what can't you see?

message no. 10059

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2013-09-21T23:30:28Z

you can't "see it"? huh? what can't you see?
+ [2013-09-22T12:20:58Z] CosmoHill afternoon, it's been a while since I've been in here
+ [2013-09-22T12:23:13Z] CosmoHill I get this error: http://cross-lfs.org/~cosmo/pastebin/index.php?ll
+ [2013-09-22T12:23:22Z] CosmoHill it's caused by {{ site.date | date_to_xmlschema }}
+ [2013-09-22T12:50:04Z] CosmoHill oh pooped, I updated my gems which seems to have fixed the date_to_xmlschema issue but broke the site.date thing
+ [2013-09-22T12:53:13Z] CosmoHill got it, site.date has become site.time