+[2015-06-29T22:30:25Z]barrapontohow do i turn on Github Flavored Markdown? this is my _config.yml https://github.com/barraponto/barraponto.github.io/blob/master/_config.yml +[2015-06-29T22:30:26Z]jekyllrbTitle: barraponto.github.io/_config.yml at master · barraponto/barraponto.github.io · GitHub (at github.com) +[2015-06-29T22:35:32Z]gynterafaik kramdown should parse GFM +[2015-06-29T22:37:30Z]gynterhmm, or not +[2015-06-29T22:38:24Z]gynterah ofc, use redcarpet instead of kramdown
A lot of _config.yaml is undocumented, for example, `title`, and `email` - I understand what they mean, but how/where are they used? Passed to Liquid?
+[2015-06-30T01:54:58Z]eniacpxWhat is my best option for serving jekyll on a windows pc locally? +[2015-06-30T09:20:39Z]mr-tthi +[2015-06-30T09:21:33Z]mr-ttcan someone tell me how to use a Attribute List Definition across multiple lines? eg: {: .class} foo \n bar {????} +[2015-06-30T21:09:43Z]Dorfhow do you add external js files to a page? +[2015-06-30T21:10:26Z]fluffypony<script>//domain.com/path/to/file.js</script>