+ [2015-06-29T17:37:26Z] Seveas so do an interactive rebase, and once you get to the commit that adds that file: change pick to edit for that commit and when editing, git rm --cached
+ [2015-06-29T22:05:30Z] zoug hey guys, did any of you tried to get the Student Developer Pack of GitHub? https://education.github.com/pack ?
+ [2015-06-29T22:06:50Z] zoug I'm wondering what do they consider before giving it to somebody, and if they give it to everybody, how long will I have to wait? The whole pack is just awesome and almost feels too good to be true so I'm wondering if anyone actually got it. Thanks!
+ [2015-06-29T23:54:10Z] davidstriga I don't understand github. I just need a couple pointers from someone who has been using github for a while. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

message no. 101175

Posted by Voyage in #github at 2015-06-29T14:51:44Z

How much does github costs for private repo? I dont see pricing tables on the website
+ [2015-06-30T00:04:59Z] VxJasonxV lots of people have pointers: https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pointers&type=Code&ref=searchresults
+ [2015-06-30T00:09:06Z] cluelesscoder hey guys - if I have a project which I cloned down and hacked on, but it is not technically a fork, can I do a pull request to merge it into a project? without just forking and copying my changed project over my fork
+ [2015-06-30T00:09:50Z] cluelesscoder or maybe vice versa... I have a project and someone has cloned it down and changed it without forking, can I grab their code and merge it into my project?
+ [2015-06-30T00:10:20Z] VxJasonxV you have to have somewhere to push to make a pull request
+ [2015-06-30T00:10:25Z] VxJasonxV which probably means you have to fork the project