+ [2015-07-05T21:17:37Z] rawtext I used this article for references when building: http://brennaobrien.com/blog/2013/05/on-building-a-site-with-jekyll.html
+ [2015-07-05T21:17:38Z] jekyllrb Title: On Building a Site with Jekyll | Brenna O'Brien (at brennaobrien.com)
+ [2015-07-05T21:18:09Z] rawtext gynter: makes sense. thanks.
+ [2015-07-05T21:19:18Z] rawtext this too: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-static-sites-with-jekyll--net-22211
+ [2015-07-05T21:22:07Z] rawtext take a look at those thats how i created a portfolio_entry template and used the site structure i mentioned.

message no. 101875

Posted by rawtext in #jekyll at 2015-07-05T21:09:37Z

why use collections? when I can just make a new folder /portfolio/_posts/
+ [2015-07-06T11:49:15Z] j20202000 Is nayone here?
+ [2015-07-06T14:09:10Z] gynter well noone will obviously answer in less than a minute..
+ [2015-07-06T14:12:36Z] jaybe ;)
+ [2015-07-06T14:27:52Z] fluffypony jaybe: did you perchance get a reply to your mail re: Jekyll 3?
+ [2015-07-06T14:28:17Z] jaybe fluffypony, hmm... thanks for following up on that; i did not. surprises me. i'll follow up.