+[10 years ago]canton7see https://github.com/jgeboski/purple-facebook/blob/94edd860bd8c793078aadbd5c5c23c43cb3916f0/update.sh#L15 +[10 years ago]alanjfah +[10 years ago]alanjfI had a feeling from the get go that such a file (called something like VERSION) might not be reliable. +[10 years ago]canton7a file like that is normally for use by a build system or other script, rather than for human consumption +[10 years ago]alanjfcanton7: I suspected it was used for something, but wasn't sure. At the very first I thought it was some sort of curtisy.
see https://github.com/jgeboski/purple-facebook/blob/94edd860bd8c793078aadbd5c5c23c43cb3916f0/update.sh#L15
+[10 years ago]stoyvoHello GitHub Community..... Can someone help me with a weird encoding issue i'm having? +[10 years ago]stoyvoI've added .svg files to .gitattributes as: *.svg binary +[10 years ago]stoyvobut, when I commit the font I get: +[10 years ago]stoyvofonts/webhostinghub-glyphs.svg | Bin 1307884 -> 1315719 bytes +[10 years ago]stoyvoWhy is the fontsize growing?