+ [2013-09-24T19:19:44Z] jaybe you could build variables and perhaps use it elsewhere like that - but not with {% include %} yet
+ [2013-09-24T19:20:56Z] fragje @jaybe ah thanks for quick reply. Any idea if it's coming in the near future?
+ [2013-09-24T19:21:10Z] jaybe fragje, it's already coded; and pending
+ [2013-09-24T19:21:26Z] fragje sweet :)
+ [2013-09-24T19:21:44Z] jaybe https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/pull/1495

message no. 10436

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2013-09-24T19:19:44Z

you could build variables and perhaps use it elsewhere like that - but not with {% include %} yet
+ [2013-09-25T04:34:06Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1896 (rbx) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/11762419
+ [2013-09-25T13:33:37Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1897 (separation) The build is still failing. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/11777812
+ [2013-09-25T17:35:31Z] nats trying to resolve this error
+ [2013-09-25T17:35:53Z] nats when running jekyll
+ [2013-09-25T17:36:05Z] nats ..Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb:73:in `initialize': Address already in use - bind(2) (Errno::EADDRINUSE)