+ [9 years ago] jaybe nice! ++
+ [9 years ago] gynter kabads: can you do a little test for me?
+ [9 years ago] gynter can you set baseurl to something eg baseurl: "/test" in config and look if the image urls will be displayed as /test/assets/IMG_20120302_195632.jpg.scaled.500.jpg in _site/2012/03/16/happy-birthday-paula.html ?
+ [9 years ago] kabads gynter: sure

message no. 104876

Posted by kabads in #jekyll at 2015-07-24T19:00:32Z

+ [9 years ago] idd2d_ Is it possible to host a PDF on my jekyll site? i.e. I want www.mysite.com/document to map straight to /document.pdf, and just display in the browser
+ [9 years ago] yebyen are you serving jekyll with jekyll serve?