+[2013-09-24T20:14:54Z]iamioannishello +[2013-09-24T20:15:14Z]iamioannisIs anyone here or I am just talking to myself? +[2013-09-26T20:40:20Z]aboudreaultshould the url blog/categories/ works? +[2013-09-26T20:42:08Z]aboudreaultjust realized that there is no place in my site to access blog by categories.. +[2013-09-26T20:50:59Z]aboudreaultfixed, just found a plugin
just realized that there is no place in my site to access blog by categories..
+[2013-09-27T12:55:35Z]pontikio/ +[2013-09-27T15:27:50Z]aboudreaultcan we control the cache header with octopress? +[2013-09-27T15:28:06Z]nate`With a header maybe? +[2013-09-27T15:28:14Z]nate`custom header that is. +[2013-09-27T15:28:52Z]aboudreaultyeah, how can we do that?