+ [2015-07-31T23:10:08Z] bret yup
+ [2015-07-31T23:10:31Z] bret you can take two branches, do indipedant changes then later merge those two then PR that to the main
+ [2015-07-31T23:10:56Z] bret typically you would merge one branch into the other
+ [2015-07-31T23:11:32Z] bret any conflicts, git will yell at you and let you use a merge tool of your choice to figure out overlap

message no. 105927

Posted by Leonarth in #github at 2015-07-31T19:37:11Z

thanks Nevik
+ [2015-08-01T02:06:33Z] xrogaan anybody has issue creating pull requests from the github windows client?
+ [2015-08-01T02:22:21Z] rcsheets hello. can anyone confirm or correct my understanding that github doesn't support anonymous access over ssh? i.e. cloning via ssh requires an ssh key that's tied to a github account?
+ [2015-08-01T02:35:07Z] VxJasonxV rcsheets: correct. SSH always requires authentication
+ [2015-08-01T02:35:29Z] rcsheets VxJasonxV: thanks!!
+ [2015-08-01T16:33:39Z] cascada-io hi, how can i regularly sync to github in a way that produces no visible commit history? currently, when i make changes in my local repo, i delete the github repo, recreate, and then push. looking for a less tedious approach