latest 20 messages by Leonarth

+ [2015-09-12T10:44:30Z] Leonarth ⌃ ⌥ ⌘
+ [2015-09-12T09:01:18Z] Leonarth and this only reverts the commit operation, doesn't touch the committed file, correct?
+ [2015-09-12T08:53:39Z] Leonarth may I edit the commit again somehow?
+ [2015-09-12T08:53:11Z] Leonarth but if I already committed and pushed
+ [2015-09-12T08:50:04Z] Leonarth I wish to undo only the Commit operation, but maintain the changes on the file committed
+ [2015-09-12T08:49:40Z] Leonarth in GitHub desktop, when you commit a mistake, there's a way to Undo the commit, correct it and commit again?
+ [2015-09-11T07:05:57Z] Leonarth [02:00] <Leonarth> I would be expecting github to display at least something e.g. Authorization granted or similar
+ [2015-09-11T07:05:56Z] Leonarth [01:59] <Leonarth> is this expected behaviour?
+ [2015-09-11T07:05:56Z] Leonarth [01:59] <Leonarth> using OAuth from a Mac app that opens the auth url on Safari, when github sends the call back to the App the window remains blank
+ [2015-09-10T23:57:35Z] Leonarth I would be expecting github to display at least something e.g. Authorization granted or similar
+ [2015-09-10T23:57:06Z] Leonarth is this expected behaviour?
+ [2015-09-10T23:56:53Z] Leonarth using OAuth from a Mac app that opens the auth url on Safari, when github sends the call back to the App the window remains blank
+ [2015-08-10T18:40:07Z] Leonarth skered: yes, check the options
+ [2015-07-31T19:39:25Z] Leonarth even if I closed manually you can still see which commit closed the issue
+ [2015-07-31T19:39:01Z] Leonarth
+ [2015-07-31T19:39:00Z] Leonarth oh but the comment leaves a reference in the commit, that's good :D
+ [2015-07-31T19:37:11Z] Leonarth thanks Nevik
+ [2015-07-31T19:35:32Z] Leonarth and I can't edit the comment message anymore right?