+[2015-08-01T11:40:42Z]gynterlol wtf +[2015-08-01T11:40:43Z]gynterhttps://github.com/planetjekyll/awesome-jekyll/pull/4#issuecomment-126903766 +[2015-08-01T11:40:52Z]gynterit seems I'm not awesome enough :D +[2015-08-01T11:41:16Z]gynterdunno what I have did to that lad to piss him of...weird +[2015-08-01T15:18:43Z]pontikihi, all
+[2015-08-02T00:10:36Z]idd2dI'm attempting to create a projects collection for my portfolio site, but I'm having trouble using it correctly. +[2015-08-02T00:11:19Z]idd2dI've added collections: - projects to my _config, created a _projects/ dir, and created an example project within this directory, with front matter & contents. +[2015-08-02T00:13:40Z]idd2dnm. Writing this out led me to the solution: I was using site.categories.projects, rather than site.projects +[2015-08-03T08:18:09Z]layke_I reinstalled my system, reinstalled ruby, jekyll etc.. and now when i build I get this error... +[2015-08-03T08:18:12Z]layke_ Build Warning: Layout 'page' requested in Account_Management/add_secondary_email_for_enquiries.md does not exist.