+ [2015-08-09T23:54:53Z] nico103 Caelum: near as I can tell, no. github could use some features to make release signing easier
+ [2015-08-09T23:55:51Z] nico103 my approach is likely to be this: first include author/signer pubkeys in the main repo, then make the release, including a signature of it, and finally, include a file in the main repo that includes the hashes of all the released artifacts
+ [2015-08-09T23:56:27Z] Caelum interesting
+ [2015-08-09T23:56:32Z] Caelum thanks!
+ [2015-08-09T23:56:54Z] nico103 scroll up today's #github log; I asked similar questions earlier

message no. 106705

Posted by Caelum in #github at 2015-08-09T23:56:32Z

+ [2015-08-10T01:20:46Z] texvery how do you get more people working on your code in github? they just search for you and join your project?
+ [2015-08-10T01:21:04Z] radius if there's interest they will come
+ [2015-08-10T01:21:52Z] texvery how ? hmm, you write some project description and it's globally visible, and they can just join it?
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:06Z] gambl0re whats the difference between fork and pull?
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:17Z] radius texvery, not really, they usually would fork