+ [2015-08-26T14:18:01Z] pontiki hi gynter :)
+ [2015-08-26T14:18:11Z] gynter hi
+ [2015-08-26T16:44:03Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-08-26T16:54:35Z] jaybe oddness

message no. 109797

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-08-26T14:04:25Z

pontiki, o/
+ [2015-08-28T22:56:19Z] parkr Grill: ensure you have jekyll-coffeescript in your `gems` list. we removed it from being a default gem. (re: http://irc.parkermoo.re/messages/109746/context)
+ [2015-08-29T07:04:23Z] gynter mornin
+ [2015-08-29T10:05:23Z] p8952 What needs to be done when using pagination and Jekyll 3?
+ [2015-08-29T10:06:08Z] p8952 I get a deprecation notice saying "Ensure you have `gems: [jekyll-paginate]`", but doing so just gives me a load error with and without jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 installed
+ [2015-08-29T10:40:39Z] gynter p8952: jekyll paginate will be deprecated, use Octopress Paginate instead