+[2015-09-03T17:32:39Z]jarrodparkesso I am curious as to whether there is a way to get access to more entries than just 30 +[2015-09-03T17:58:46Z]Unopoowhy my file: https://github.com/UniFreak/unifreak.github.io/blob/master/_site/qqGroupGuide/javascript/index.html can't be accessed via the link:http://unifreak.github.io/qqGroupGuide/javascript/index.html ? +[2015-09-03T17:58:48Z]jekyllrbTitle: unifreak.github.io/index.html at master · UniFreak/unifreak.github.io · GitHub (at github.com) +[2015-09-03T18:01:40Z]Unopooit runs okay locally +[2015-09-03T18:02:47Z]Unopooin github, the page qqGroupGuide/javascript/html.html even can't be generated. so I have to remove _site from .gitignore, so I can generate page locally then push it to github
+[2015-09-04T03:07:08Z]jekyllrb2015-09-03T22:09:29-0500: Update history to reflect merge of #3828 <https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/commit/1dc2a34252b353f9f64e91c98f03350bbb8a40cd> +[2015-09-04T09:51:53Z]ohazhey guys, is there a way to tell jekyll build to ignore a line in any config file? +[2015-09-04T09:52:06Z]ohazI want my build command to ignore any occuring site.baseurl changes +[2015-09-04T09:56:49Z]ohazoh, I could just create a second config file that only contains site.baseurl = '' and then put it behind the normal config, am I right? +[2015-09-04T12:06:26Z]Calinouhow to use Stylus, BrowserSync, and Jekyll, all with Grunt?