+ [2015-09-08T17:44:32Z] jaybe ugly_cat, using stick jekyll has little bearing on knowing [any] ruby aside from a basic working environment frankly. if you can/have used 'shell scripts' (bash, etc.) and or command line tools, ... it's essentially, basically - that
+ [2015-09-08T17:44:45Z] jaybe s/stick/stock/
+ [2015-09-08T19:51:41Z] gynter ugly_cat: no
+ [2015-09-08T19:51:55Z] gynter ugly_cat: blah i mean yes ;)
+ [2015-09-08T19:52:43Z] gynter you don't need to know ruby to use jekyll: https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/do-i-need-to-have-solid-understanding-of-ruby-before-using-jekyll/1127/6?u=gynter

message no. 111112

Posted by gynter in #jekyll at 2015-09-08T19:51:55Z

ugly_cat: blah i mean yes ;)
+ [2015-09-09T13:17:41Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6064 (master) The build was broken. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/79467694
+ [2015-09-09T14:19:58Z] jekyllrb 2015-09-09T09:22:26-0500: Update history.markdown to reflect the merger of #3966 <https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/commit/f1fd89bd8e7f4485334318c5f6a324963d8ee144>
+ [2015-09-09T19:19:49Z] gynter blah, i'm totally missing the include_absolute tag...
+ [2015-09-09T19:20:14Z] gynter impossible to make jekyll work with bower without gulp/grunt that way
+ [2015-09-09T19:21:56Z] gynter hmm, nvm, i can restructure things a bit