+ [2015-09-23T20:41:37Z] diyfupeco jaybe: it takes for example collection "projects" and creates _site/projects/index.html based on the collection_index.html template.
+ [2015-09-23T20:41:52Z] jaybe nice
+ [2015-09-23T20:41:55Z] diyfupeco I have to figure out how to use the custom permalink options though
+ [2015-09-23T21:08:51Z] kzisme diyfupeco:How did the theme go?
+ [2015-09-23T21:08:54Z] kzisme Did you post it anywhere

message no. 113597

Posted by kzisme in #jekyll at 2015-09-23T21:08:54Z

Did you post it anywhere
+ [2015-09-24T04:14:56Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6084 (master) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/81902180
+ [2015-09-24T08:03:49Z] Unopoo is there ways to let `paginator` only contain posts in specific category?
+ [2015-09-24T08:04:31Z] Unopoo I want to let the posts list displayed by category with pagination functionality
+ [2015-09-24T09:43:50Z] gynter Unopoo: in short, no
+ [2015-09-24T09:44:22Z] gynter Unopoo: but read the sixth paragraph here: https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/two-languages-on-the-same-site-how-to-disadvantages/1150/2?u=gynter