+[2015-10-01T17:34:51Z]Calinoulol +[2015-10-01T17:35:18Z]CalinouPHP is inconsistent, Java eats RAM, Ruby is fading, Python is slow, C# is a patent minefield... +[2015-10-01T17:35:25Z]CalinouNode'js totally not solving any problems /s +[2015-10-01T17:37:05Z]diyfupecoCalinou: Yes, No, Maybe, No, No. +[2015-10-02T01:38:06Z]Guest64228Hi, I am getting errors when trying to build Jekyll with jekyll-redirect-from
Hi, I am getting errors when trying to build Jekyll with jekyll-redirect-from
+[2015-10-03T12:47:20Z]nucularHey, is there any way to assign a filtered expression to a variable (or even pass it as an include parameter)? +[2015-10-03T12:48:10Z]nucular..nevermind, I'm stupid +[2015-10-03T15:25:28Z]analphabetHey, how can I include a layout/template in a page? +[2015-10-03T15:26:09Z]analphabetI want to display a list of posts and would like to use the 'post' template for each displayed post. Is that possible? +[2015-10-03T15:27:59Z]jaybeyou could use `include` and pass the content to it perhaps