+ [2015-10-19T17:39:23Z] jaybe i try to adhere to most of the command syntaxes for day to day use; there are some differences but probably won't affect you
+ [2015-10-19T18:59:06Z] wakeatnight md > blockquotes don't get rendered.
+ [2015-10-19T18:59:15Z] wakeatnight they appear as <p> in the code
+ [2015-10-19T19:08:21Z] jaybe wakeatnight, works here; what version of ruby and jekyll are you using?

message no. 116907

Posted by srenatus in #jekyll at 2015-10-19T08:25:47Z

hi there. I'm facing an sftp-only web hosting service, and I'm trying to make the deployment as easy as possible. any hints? I've looked at various tools, but they either need ssh (capistrano, mina, ...) or have different assumptions than jekyll (git-deploy, dandelion, etc, having all the files in the git repo)
+ [2015-10-20T15:12:25Z] ggherdov` Hello. Can you explain me in a single, short sentence the relationships between Liquid, Jekyll and Octopress? I am a developer, I can understand programming words.
+ [2015-10-20T15:20:44Z] jaybe ggherdov`, jekyll is a static site generator; jekyll uses [liquid] for logic; octopress, depending on its version, is either an "obsessively-designed jekyll theme/plugins (old octopress (v2*), or octopress 3* are sets of tools to work alongside jekyll 3 with hooks, gem plugins, etc.
+ [2015-10-20T15:20:44Z] jekyllrb [liquid] https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers
+ [2015-10-20T15:21:28Z] jaybe ./learn octopress is https://github.com/octopress/octopress
+ [2015-10-20T15:21:28Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.