+[2013-10-11T13:42:31Z]maloikjaybe: depends where it's hosted +[2013-10-11T13:42:46Z]jaybewhat is the dependency? +[2013-10-11T13:42:54Z]maloikbut most likely not unless their post request payload is exactly the same as github's +[2013-10-11T13:43:09Z]maloiknot to say it's impossible... I just haven't written the code for it and currently don't plan to +[2013-10-11T13:43:19Z]maloikbut since it's open source feel free to contribute
and itll never look normal when I do a preiview again then
+[2013-10-12T13:34:53Z]zanshinOnce upon a time I made use of this Jekyll plugin to lookup and display information from Amazon via liquid (http://base0.net/posts/amazon-liquid-filters-for-jekyll/). However it has recently stopped returning any results. Is anyone else using this plugin or something like it? +[2013-10-12T17:15:12Z]pontikiwhat is the plugin? (I haven't ever heard of it) +[2013-10-12T17:18:11Z]pontikisorry.. what is the plugin supposed to be doing? +[2013-10-12T17:18:22Z]pontikioh never mind you're gone :( +[2013-10-12T18:51:48Z]zanshinpontiki: You feed it an ASIN and it returns the image or text associated with that item making it easy to embed on your site.