+ [2015-10-28T04:31:08Z] jbleuzen I have sort of a noob question with Jekyll 3
+ [2015-10-28T04:31:38Z] jbleuzen I'm rewriting some plugins and wondering if I can load Utils module from Jekyll in my plugin
+ [2015-10-28T04:31:45Z] jbleuzen is that a good idea ?
+ [2015-10-28T05:16:44Z] jbleuzen Ok, I've found a solution to my problem. No more help needed

message no. 117809

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-10-28T00:34:07Z

+ [2015-11-03T08:22:00Z] parkr [0_0]: hi
+ [2015-11-03T08:22:00Z] jekyllrb Error: No factoid matches that key.
+ [2015-11-03T08:22:07Z] parkr ?
+ [2015-11-03T08:22:09Z] parkr [hi]
+ [2015-11-03T08:22:09Z] jekyllrb Error: No factoid matches that key.