+ [2015-11-11T19:21:57Z] jekyllrb Title: Paste2.org - Viewing Paste 41OpkUEv (at paste2.org)
+ [2015-11-11T21:43:52Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6271 (master) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/90610414
+ [2015-11-11T23:23:49Z] pontiki still here"
+ [2015-11-11T23:24:02Z] pontiki guess not

message no. 119251

Posted by PrincessZoey in #jekyll at 2015-11-11T10:25:09Z

Can someone explain how to list posts with a specific tag?
+ [2015-11-12T02:03:32Z] PrincessZoey da faq. one of my tags aren't working
+ [2015-11-12T02:04:15Z] pontiki PrincessZoey: one you wrote?
+ [2015-11-12T02:05:02Z] pontiki are you on the 3.0 version?