+ [2015-11-13T21:15:28Z] insidious15 Apparently jekyll fails to allocate memory
+ [2015-11-13T21:15:33Z] insidious15 this is because of a for loop in my html
+ [2015-11-13T21:20:40Z] insidious15 anyone know how to fix this?
+ [2015-11-13T23:42:34Z] travis-ci Stargator/jekyll-paginate#2 (master) The build failed. https://travis-ci.org/Stargator/jekyll-paginate/builds/91048571
+ [2015-11-13T23:58:47Z] travis-ci Stargator/jekyll-paginate#6 (master) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/Stargator/jekyll-paginate/builds/91050526

message no. 119914

Posted by insidious15 in #jekyll at 2015-11-13T21:20:40Z

anyone know how to fix this?
+ [2015-11-14T02:40:27Z] travis-ci Stargator/jekyll-paginate#11 (bump-jekyll) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/Stargator/jekyll-paginate/builds/91065151
+ [2015-11-14T02:52:05Z] travis-ci Stargator/jekyll-paginate#12 (master) The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/Stargator/jekyll-paginate/builds/91065795
+ [2015-11-14T03:34:27Z] saadq Is there a way to add a .htaccess file for your Jekyll site if it's being hosted on GitHub?
+ [2015-11-14T04:17:43Z] pontiki what do you need one for if you're hosting on github?
+ [2015-11-14T04:17:56Z] pontiki there's no php code running...