+ [2015-11-27T23:16:37Z] Muchoz It just gets me to drugs... :/
+ [2015-11-27T23:17:15Z] Muchoz The PR regarding {% include {{variable}} %} only says you can't have spaces between the {{}} but nothing else.
+ [2015-11-27T23:17:17Z] jaybe i would act on the array outside of the block and set a variable with the value needed
+ [2015-11-27T23:17:52Z] Muchoz Ugh, liquid really sucks
+ [2015-11-27T23:17:58Z] Muchoz jinja2 is way better imo

message no. 122287

Posted by Muchoz in #jekyll at 2015-11-27T23:02:49Z

When looping over a dictionary (or whatever it's called) in the liquid template. Is it possible to get the current key? {% for a in dictionaryVar %} makes 'a' something like 'something{"a"=>"1", "b"=>"1"}'. I need that first 'something', the key.
+ [2015-11-28T00:04:33Z] osfameron Soni: it's not a constraint at all. You're being silly.
+ [2015-11-28T00:06:50Z] Soni osfameron, I can't use plugins or else ppl will complain
+ [2015-11-28T00:08:45Z] osfameron people who have asked you to write javascript using brainfuck...
+ [2015-11-28T00:08:55Z] osfameron without plugins
+ [2015-11-28T00:09:14Z] osfameron if this is a hazing ritual to join some form of programmer's secret society, then this all makes perfect sense