+ [2015-11-28T09:26:59Z] Arc 5) remember why you don't use github and go back to actual productive work.
+ [2015-11-28T09:41:07Z] mutsayu how can I create my own <username>.github.io?
+ [2015-11-28T15:21:10Z] testerbit I'm trying to install git-lfs and I after running the bash script I receive the message: `The repository is setup! You can now install packages.` How do I now install the cached packages?
+ [2015-11-28T17:01:56Z] rook2paw1 if you remove a collaborator or add them are they notified by email?
+ [2015-11-28T20:17:25Z] Seveas rook2pawn: for adding the answer is yes, for removing I don't know. Never tried :)

message no. 122309

Posted by gitinfo in #github at 2015-11-28T00:07:44Z

[!doesntwork] Sorry to hear it doesn't work, but how about some details? At this point we don't even know whether it did nothing, spit out an error message, or abducted your pet unicorn in a flying saucer. That makes it hard to troubleshoot – unicorn abduction requires a completely different solution than an error message, for instance. So, please be specific...
+ [2015-11-29T02:15:47Z] postmodern is there a correct way to sync files down from githubusercontent.com using wget/curl, and avoid re-downloading the same file?
+ [2015-11-29T02:16:06Z] postmodern the HTTP servers do not appear to support Last-Modified, so I can't use timestamps
+ [2015-11-29T10:40:21Z] Seveas postmodern: ETag maybe?
+ [2015-11-29T21:12:12Z] Seveas Pavan failed :(
+ [2015-11-30T01:20:57Z] sparr is there a way in the github ui to navigate back through changes to a single line of code? my current process is to load up blame for the file, click the commit for the line, go to the parent commit, go back to the file and line, load blame again, repeat. this is very tedious.