+ [2013-10-18T09:05:59Z] Vermicelli .mo and .po compiled files for translating content.
+ [2013-10-18T17:25:48Z] pgtaboada I am trying to get jekyll-image-tag up and running
+ [2013-10-18T17:26:54Z] pgtaboada I am getting an " no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)" error

message no. 12270

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2013-10-18T09:03:05Z

Vermicelli: this is the only thing i have seen: https://github.com/blackwinter/jekyll-localization
+ [2013-10-19T00:12:03Z] IQAndreas Is there a reason `to_liquid` is being called twice in Jekyll's source? https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/blob/c78c4159c0657d0eda317340721494278318b6bb/lib/jekyll/post.rb#L259
+ [2013-10-19T01:15:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/tigefa4u/tigefa/compare/47c3ec2c65bb...dd720f8908de
+ [2013-10-19T01:15:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] tigefa4u/tigefa#5 (master - dd720f8 : sugeng tigefa): The build has errored.
+ [2013-10-19T01:15:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/tigefa4u/tigefa/builds/12744555
+ [2013-10-19T05:58:28Z] xtriz when i did sudo apt-get install jekyll it went fine, then when did jekyll new my-awesome-site it gave errors and the folder my-awesome-site was not created