+ [2013-10-17T22:44:19Z] Peter hi – i have a jekyll site that i host with github (eg: blahblah.github.io)
+ [2013-10-17T22:44:27Z] Peter how would i make it so i could use the github pages editor to write new blog posts?
+ [2013-10-17T22:44:40Z] Peter (currently i write and push to github.)
+ [2013-10-19T10:12:32Z] aaron_ hi
+ [2013-10-20T11:36:08Z] nommyg Hey guys. So, I'm just starting with Octopress, and was wondering how could I have custom HTML after every first paragraph tag of an article. Any resources for this?

message no. 12338

Posted by nommyg in #octopress at 2013-10-20T11:36:08Z

Hey guys. So, I'm just starting with Octopress, and was wondering how could I have custom HTML after every first paragraph tag of an article. Any resources for this?
+ [2013-10-21T21:31:50Z] trurl hi. i switched to $solarized: light; via _colors.scss, that worked BUT when selecting code the background-color of the selected code is white(-ish), not orange how it should be. any ideas? i "rake generate"d and tried a fresh browser tab.
+ [2013-10-23T15:15:24Z] pontiki g'mornin'
+ [2013-10-24T09:08:25Z] trurl hi. how can i exlude a static page (/blog/about/index.markdown) from sitemap.xml? "sitemap_excluded: true" in that document doesn't work and since it's named "index" i can't exlude it in sitemap_generator.rb
+ [2013-10-24T11:47:45Z] hjrnunes Hi guys, I'm having some trouble with the pullquote plugin