+ [2015-12-04T18:54:05Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6427 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/94939171
+ [2015-12-04T19:12:39Z] jekyllrb [[assets]] (assets) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/assets/
+ [2015-12-04T19:12:39Z] jaybe default jekyll new site provides basic and simple dynamic css examples. [[assets]]
+ [2015-12-04T20:05:20Z] zero-gravitas @osfameron for a moment I had thought you might be able to use site.related_collection in 3.0 now that posts are a default collection, but apparently not.
+ [2015-12-04T20:23:45Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6430 (pull/cleanup-and-modernize-serve-cmd) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/94954612

message no. 123471

Posted by fris in #jekyll at 2015-12-04T16:06:48Z

i would just try it with style.scss in css/ and have it just have 1 include for _sass see if it compiles fine
+ [2015-12-05T02:14:35Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-12-05T02:16:37Z] jaybe \o/
+ [2015-12-05T08:20:58Z] eightfold i’m seing some really strange behavior that i’ve never noticed before
+ [2015-12-05T08:21:31Z] eightfold i’m building a blog. the home page has a list of posts. there are also individual post pages.
+ [2015-12-05T08:22:17Z] eightfold on the home page, the post .md files get’s converted to html, but on the individual post pages the markdown doesn’t get parsed