+ [2013-10-27T21:06:56Z] dougtoppin already up to date so i'm a little puzzled about the instructions.
+ [2013-10-27T21:34:43Z] dougtoppin ok,i'm past that point but now my question is should the github repo branch be source or master? the instructions say 'make sure that the master branch is the default branch' but my push went to the source branch.
+ [2013-10-27T21:39:58Z] dougtoppin well never mind. now i got it.
+ [2013-10-27T23:49:05Z] nate` Well I figure a few more fancy box crap things added into this plugin and it should be nice and purty.
+ [2013-10-27T23:49:22Z] nate` Does look a lot better than it did this morning.

message no. 12615

Posted by nate` in #octopress at 2013-10-27T11:56:55Z

It's a ghetto hack.
+ [2013-10-28T14:45:06Z] nate` hrm, it's bitching about needing a tty
+ [2013-10-28T14:58:29Z] nate` oddly enough the user data file i created does not seem to fix that issue
+ [2013-10-28T22:46:39Z] pontiki gtg -- bbl
+ [2013-10-29T06:48:07Z] purezen Hey guys..! I created my webpage (blog rather) using Octopress.. and put it on GitHub a few days back..
+ [2013-10-29T06:48:10Z] purezen Ref: purezen.github.io