+ [2016-03-14T21:27:32Z] jaybe raesin, sorry i have little experience with pagination because of how janky it is... and likely some of the reasoning for retiring it from core as well
+ [2016-03-14T21:29:23Z] raesin jaybe: no worries..thanks for the links, though. i can see why too; i've been searching for over a week!
+ [2016-03-14T21:30:23Z] jaybe raesin, nod; even when/how it works, it's limited to .html files, etc. and has caveats, etc. best of luck. please consider sharing your research/success once you've landed!
+ [2016-03-14T21:30:43Z] raesin jaybe: yeah for sure!
+ [2016-03-14T21:31:02Z] jaybe ++

message no. 127049

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-03-14T21:27:32Z

raesin, sorry i have little experience with pagination because of how janky it is... and likely some of the reasoning for retiring it from core as well
+ [2016-03-15T16:34:17Z] ksefchik I was working on customizing this portfoilo theme, but for some reason Jekyll is deleting my custom image files. https://github.com/DevTips/Artists-Theme anyone know why this might be happening?
+ [2016-03-15T16:34:18Z] jekyllrb Title: GitHub - DevTips/Artists-Theme: A free Jekyll Theme developed by the DevTips Community (at github.com)
+ [2016-03-15T16:42:51Z] ksefchik is anyone here?
+ [2016-03-15T16:44:00Z] jaybe ksefchik: are you attempting to pre populate data within the _site/ output folder? That gets wiped at build time.
+ [2016-03-15T16:45:44Z] ksefchik no. I'm putting it in the same asset folders the site already uses. The assets appear loaded via _data/ yml files.