+ [2013-10-29T20:38:07Z] smbnub how come my footer displayes the same code fine
+ [2013-10-29T20:38:22Z] smbnub it's html include file with the same exact code in it
+ [2013-10-29T20:42:27Z] jaybe smbnub, i'm leaving now; perhaps place your code somewhere accessible, like github, so someone can take a look. i can look it later this evening. it's likely failing because of context related to how/when you can it and what page.content refers to at that point in the templates
+ [2013-10-29T20:42:54Z] smbnub ok jaybe thanks
+ [2013-10-29T20:43:14Z] smbnub ill post the code

message no. 12768

Posted by smbnub in #jekyll at 2013-10-29T20:43:14Z

ill post the code
+ [2013-10-30T04:21:58Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#2091 (v1.3.0.rc) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/13245022
+ [2013-10-30T04:26:06Z] pontiki smbnub: are you still having issues?
+ [2013-10-30T14:10:35Z] smbnub pontiki: nope im ok now
+ [2013-10-30T17:34:32Z] charas Is there a way I can show latest post on homepage in jekyll and also show the navigation for the "previous post" below?
+ [2013-10-30T17:35:22Z] charas I have solvedt he first part with this https://gist.github.com/nimbupani/1421828 but don't know how to go about the second part