+ [2016-03-28T21:22:34Z] graphitemaster how do I compare two branches manually
+ [2016-03-28T23:10:59Z] tang^ really?
+ [2016-03-28T23:35:45Z] FrozenFire Where does the name of a check come from on a PR? I have GHPRB set up for my Jenkins instance, and when the build is triggered by a webhook the check ends up named "default", but if I rebuild something, the check is named whatever the project is named in Jenkins.
+ [2016-03-28T23:43:15Z] radens Hey, there's a GitHub team I'm on which I'm taking a break from for a while. Is there a way to mute @ mentions to the whole team without leaving the team?

message no. 128869

Posted by becker_11 in #github at 2016-03-28T06:48:36Z

Hi, I've just created a new branch for my local repo and now want to open the file in my editor but can only see one version of the files which I'm assuming is Master. Can anyone shed some light on how I should proceed?
+ [2016-03-29T05:06:16Z] Gooer /msg nickserv set enforce ON
+ [2016-03-29T08:37:26Z] wwwald i've got an issue where some people comment via email replies
+ [2016-03-29T08:37:35Z] wwwald these comment are plaintext formatted
+ [2016-03-29T08:37:48Z] wwwald is there a way to modify them, so they can be markdown-formatted?
+ [2016-03-29T11:07:16Z] spuz hi, I'm trying to figure out which branch my colleague was working on last week, how can I get a view of activity across all branches in a repository?