+ [2016-04-08T15:45:15Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-04-08T15:45:15Z] jaybe ./learn sass is https://jekyllrb.com/docs/assets/#sassscss
+ [2016-04-08T15:45:18Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-04-08T15:45:18Z] jaybe ./learn css is https://jekyllrb.com/docs/assets/#sassscss
+ [2016-04-08T18:30:22Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7296 (parkr/permalink-fix) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/121771717

message no. 130819

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2016-04-08T15:39:50Z

./fs sass
+ [2016-04-09T04:23:04Z] somiaj Trying to figure out how to parse string with jekyll (or is it just ruby syntax?). I'm parsing through site.static_files and isolating the files I want. But I need to extract some info from the file.path string, and then wrap some html around it
+ [2016-04-09T04:24:16Z] jaybe somiaj, learn about the [[ liquid ]] language
+ [2016-04-09T04:24:16Z] jekyllrb (liquid) (#1) https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/filters.rb#L204, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/
+ [2016-04-09T04:51:37Z] somiaj jaybe: thanks, getting it figured out.
+ [2016-04-09T04:52:16Z] somiaj though is there a way to not to define so many dummy varaibles. I want to cycle though site.static_files backwards, but it seems I have to first assign a variable to reverse that array, then use that. {% assign ordered_list = site.static_files | reverse %}