+ [2016-04-30T18:40:25Z] jekyllrb (frontmatter) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/
+ [2016-04-30T18:41:01Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-04-30T18:41:01Z] jaybe ./learn rake is http://rake.rubyforge.org
+ [2016-04-30T18:44:34Z] njumdl2014 I used to see `rake post title="Hello World"`. Is there any Rakefile template for me to do this command?
+ [2016-04-30T18:53:27Z] jxf Is there a way to interpolate a variable into a Liquid block? For example, if `type: event` is in your frontmatter, is there a way to do {% assign item_type = {{ page.type }} %}?

message no. 134092

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2016-04-30T02:22:35Z

For the record, miklb meant: Think I miss understood where title was derived from, but if I make title a string in front matter, it does render a URL, otherwise I get `/title`. Likewise, if I set `permalink: slug` I get `/slug` for a URL even with `slug: example-post-title` in front matter. :/
+ [2016-05-01T01:12:06Z] njumdl2014 NoMethodError: undefined method `ask' for main:Object
+ [2016-05-01T01:12:32Z] njumdl2014 I am newbie for ruby. What does this error mean?
+ [2016-05-01T19:49:03Z] keaton128 is there any good GUI that makes posts?